The Amplifying Black Voices Critical Mentorship Program (ABV) serves a dual and crucial purpose. Firstly, it is designed to provide comprehensive support and retention strategies meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs of Black students enrolled in UNLV's College of Education. Secondly, it extends this valuable support system to include newly licensed educators within the Clark County School District, ensuring a seamless continuum of guidance and mentorship.

At its core, ABV's mentorship program embodies the principles of critical, culturally responsive mentorship. It explicitly addresses the multifaceted dimensions of cultural diversity and the complex psychosocial needs of proteges/mentees. Research has consistently demonstrated a robust, positive correlation between mentorship and significant increases in mentees' identification with the education field. Beyond this, it cultivates a profound commitment among participants, encouraging them to become proactive agents of social change and actively engage in dismantling racial barriers, thereby fostering a more inclusive educational landscape.

Furthermore, the ABV program functions as an affinity group, creating a nurturing environment that fosters a sense of belonging and shared purpose among its members. Research has shown that individuals who participate in affinity groups of this nature report heightened satisfaction with their teaching careers.

The program's ultimate goal is to empower and equip mentors and mentees with the necessary knowledge, skills, and effectiveness to become highly-qualified PreK-12 teachers. This objective aims to substantially enhance the mentorship experiences of all participants, thereby fostering a more inclusive, diverse, and culturally responsive educational environment. Through these efforts, the program plays a pivotal role in not only enhancing the quality of educators but also raising levels of job satisfaction. This ensures that Black educators thrive and emerge as influential champions of change within the education system.

Program Mission:
The mentorship program offers a safe and affirming space, individualized mentorship, and opportunities for growth. ABV aims to improve retention and graduation rates while diversifying the educator pipeline. ABV is committed to nurturing a strong sense of community, celebrating cultural diversity, and empowering Black pre-service teachers to become influential leaders in the field of education.

Critical Mentors: ABV mentors are licensed Clark County School District educators who have demonstrated a strong commitment to racial equity, healing, and Black liberation. Mentors will support and guide students through their academic career and entry into the teaching profession.

ABV Critical Mentors support their mentees by: Assisting in the development or enhancement of their mentees critical consciousness and leadership skills so mentees may reach their goals and drive systemic change.